Tuesday 7 June 2016

What Exactly is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a breakthrough procedure in getting rid of fat by freezing fat away. Dr. Fiorillo’s office in Rockland County, NY is one of the offices that offer this new procedure that is the only FDA cleared cooling technique to get rid of fat.

CoolSculpting done in Rockland County, NY is not for people who are obese and this is not a substitute for liposuction. This is not a surgery and it is non-invasive. CoolSculpting is usually performed on the love handles or on the abdomen.  From the suction of the device, you may feel: cold, tingly, itchy, or numb.

CoolSculpting procedures can last from 1 to 3 hours. Usually, people return to work that same day, right after their appointment. There is no recovery time needed since this procedure is non-invasive. Sometimes, people will feel numb, itchy, or swollen after a procedure. Not to worry, this is completely normal and should subside. Dr. Fiorillo will tell you everything you should expect and for how long.

CoolScultpting done by Dr. Fiorillo is Rockland County, NY is essentially painless. Many patients read, do some work on their laptops, and even nap during the CoolSculpting procedures.

Patients typically see results three weeks after their CoolSculpting treatments and see the best results after two months. Your body may even continue to flush out those fat cells for up to 6 months after your CoolSculpting procedure.

Results will remain permanent as long as you maintain your healthy diet and exercise. Since CoolSculpting is the process of killing fat cells by freezing them to death, they’re gone for good! You don’t have to worry about unwanted love handles and pesky flab on your abdomen any longer.

Call Dr. Fiorillo today for your free consultation to see if CoolSculpting is the right procedure for you!

Monday 9 May 2016

Dr. Fiorillo Offers It All: From Coolsculpting to Nutritional Guidance

Have you heard about the amazing process of Coolsculpting in Rockland County, New York? Dr. Fiorillo performs Coolsculpting, the only FDA approved process of freezing fat away for people in Rockland County and the surrounding areas.

CoolSculpting is the non-invasive process of reducing fat using a patented cooling technology. When fat cells are cooled repeatedly, they will die. The process is completely non-invasive and only takes about an hour per session. You can enjoy reading a book or watching a movie to pass the time, and people often return to work that same day.

Dr. Fiorillo’s Coolsculpting facilities are state-of-the-art and offer lots of parking in two very convenient locations near Rockland County and Pearl River.

The facilities offer much more than Coolsculpting. There is a gym where personal trainers are ready to answer any questions you may have and offer advice on ways to transform your body. You can even train with our personal trainers one-on-one. We offer health consultations and nutritional guidance. If you are not sure if you are living as healthy as you possibly can, do not hesitate to reach out to us. We can help you in many different areas of your life.

If you are interested in Coolsculpting, call Dr. Fiorillo to talk about this and the many other options he offers to reduce fat. You will receive the best guidance he has to offer with your free one-on-one consultation. He will also give you lifestyle tips on how to change your diet and exercise for optimal outcomes.

Don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Fiorillo today for his Coolsculpting procedures in Rockland County and Pearl River. He is an expert in the field and has helped thousands of other women; let him help you, too.

We hope you found this blog to be informative and welcome you to contact us. Email us or call 866-537-0954 to with questions, concerns or to schedule a free consultation at one of our two convenient locations in New York and New Jersey.

Tuesday 1 September 2015

4 CoolSculpting Myths

CoolSculpting is still a new procedure, but that does not mean there has not been enough time for myths to pop up. If you have heard any of the CoolSculpting myths below, don’t believe them!

#1 I Can Lose a Lot of Weight with Cool Sculpting

CoolSculpting is not for dramatic weight loss. It is a fat reduction procedure, not a weight loss procedure. The procedure reduces stubborn area fats that do not respond to diet and exercise. A single CoolSculpting session can reduce fat in the treated area by 30%. This will result in a one or two pound weight loss. 

#2 It Will Tighten My Skin

CoolSculpting mainly is for fat reduction under the skin. It has no effect on the top layer of skin. So, it is not a treatment for lax skin. It will not improve sagging skin, either.

The good news is this: If you have good, elastic skin, it will contract to match your new shape as the body slowly flushes out the fat after your CoolSculpting treatment. 

#3 CoolSculpting Is Only for the Abdomen

Wrong! This procedure works well on many areas. CoolSculpting actually came about due to research by two scientists who noted that children who eat a lot of popsicles tend to get dimples. So, the procedure can be used to reduce fat in many spots: 

·         Love handles
·         Muffin tops
·         Arms
·         Thighs, and more

#4 I Will See Immediate Results

No, you won’t. This is a safe and effective treatment, but the results won’t be seen for 2-3 weeks. That is how long it takes for the body to flush out the dead fat cells.

Contact Dr. Fiorillo Today for Cool Sculpting

If you are considering breast enhancement surgery, you should also consider one of the top breast enhancement surgeons in New York City.  Contact Dr. Fiorillo right away for a free consultation. He will help you to determine the best breast enhancement surgery option for your specific circumstances.

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Freeze Your Fat Cells to Death!

Do you have annoying love handles, saddlebags or muffin top that drives you crazy? Then consider CoolSculpting, the new, FDA-approved way to reduce fat cells by literally freezing them to death!
The Cool Sculpting device, in the expert hands of Dr. Fiorillo, freezes fat cells so that they experience natural cell death. This means that one trouble spot on your body, such as love handles, can have its number of fat cells reduced by 20-30%. That number can increase to 50% if you have another session approximately one month later. 

This means that you can lose a few inches or clothing sizes over 60-90 days, without any pain or invasive surgery. CoolSculpting truly is a game changer in cosmetic procedures. 

How Does Cool Sculpting Compare With Liposuction? 

Liposuction may be able to remove up to 100% of the fat cells in a part of the body. However, liposuction is an invasive procedure that has down time, infection risks, and is more expensive. And some liposuction patients discover that they actually gain weight in other areas because the treated area no longer has any fat cells. 

What Does It Cost? 

CoolSculpting costs from $500-$1500 per treatment, per body area. Most doctors agree that two sessions are needed to provide the best long term results. Each session takes about one hour, and you can go back to your regular activities right away. 

How Does It Feel? 

CoolSculpting is not completely painless; it feels a bit like a cold vacuum cleaner on the treated area. You might feel at first as if you had the breath sucked out of you. Your doctor may provide you a numbing cream to ease some of the minor pain. 

Are You Considering CoolSculpting? 

Dr. Fiorillo and his team are highly experienced in CoolSculpting, and they will help you to lose the fat in that trouble spot! For a free consultation, please contact Dr. Fiorillo’s staff today.

Friday 21 August 2015

How Can I Lose Fat with CoolSculpting?

One of the common misunderstandings in cosmetic surgery is that weight loss and fat reduction are the same. This is not the case. 

When we lose weight, the fat cells actually shrink in size, but the total number of fat cells in the body is the same. When we gain weight, those fat cells get bigger. 

However, with CoolSculpting, the procedure shrinks the fat cells in the areas being treated. Clearly, if the fat cells are removed from the body, they cannot get larger again. 

Another benefit of Cool Sculpting over weight loss operations and other non-surgical weight loss options is that the results will last permanently. Once the fat cells are taken out of your body, they are gone forever!

Imagine how it will feel to have that annoying, fatty part of your body look smooth and sleek after the Cool Sculpting procedure! 

How CoolSculpting Works

As you probably know, many of us have stubborn pockets of fat that are tough to eliminate despite diet and exercise. The new Cool Sculpting technology uses Cryolipolysis, or controlled cooling, to target and kill those specific fat cells. 

In the weeks after the procedure, the fat cells are naturally eliminated from your body. 

How Long Will It Take? 

When you come into Dr. Fiorillo’s office for your consultation, he will create an individualized plan of treatment for you. The length of each CoolSculpting session will depend largely on how many areas you want to treat. Most treatment plans involve at least two or three sessions. 

Are You Interested in CoolSculpting? 

Dr. Fiorillo and his team are highly experienced in CoolSculpting, and they will help you to lose the fat in that ‘problem’ area that has always bothered you. For a free consultation, please contact Dr. Fiorillo’s staff today.